Green Lawn

Speak to the Lawn

Let’s say your lawn could talk to you. What would it be saying? Most lawns put up with a certain lack of care and attention over the years, so it might start a real whinge about being abused, underappreciated and a bit hungry. Lawns add value to your property so you might be wasting a big asset.

Virtual Reality Lawn

Technology has leapt ahead to the point where you could put on one of those Virtual Reality head pieces and transport yourself to a yard with a beautiful, healthy green lawn. But it is ‘virtual reality’, so you can’t simply flick a switch to change your poor existing lawn. A well cared for and healthy lawn for instance, looks rather stunning. It’s great to look at, fun to play on, and there’s no doubting its ability to dramatically increase your property’s curb appeal. As an added bonus, a lawn is healthy for the environment.


Achieving that beautiful lawn is not something that requires you to have a Master’s degree in agronomy. You just need to adjust the way you are doing some of the things and make sure that you continue with the changes in the future.
