How to Save on Water Bills: 10 Simple Plumbing Tips

As someone who owns a property for more than fifty years now, I am fully aware that water bills can easily add up if you are not being careful.

However, some practical adjustments can lead to significant savings. Of course, getting some help from a licensed plumber can also make a difference. But if you practice smart habits, you’ll surely notice real savings.

So, let me guide you to saving money on your water bills. With these plumbing tips, you’ll eventually notice a significant drop in your monthly bills.

  1. Address Leaky Taps and Toilets Without Delay

In my line of work, I get to interact with other plumbers, such as Plumb It Right, where we’ve discussed about different plumbing issues.

One of the things they told me is that dripping taps can lead to great devastation if left unattended. They might look harmless, but you could end up wasting hundreds of water litres each month!

So as you can see, it’s crucial to promptly address any leaks, even the small ones.

It does not usually cost a lot to fix leaks. Yet, it can lead to great savings in the long run.

Make it a habit to regularly inspect your toilets and taps. The moment you notice a leak, call a plumber immediately to get it repaired.

  1. Install Water-Saving Fixtures

One of the most effective ways to save water is using water-saving fittings and fixtures.

For instance, instead of the traditional toilets, choose the double-flush variety. It’s also smart to use tap aerators and low-flow showerheads.

By choosing to install these fixtures, you’d be able to limit your use of water while still enjoying the same amount of pressure. In fact, when I first switch to these things, I was really shocked at how much we saved on our water bill.

  1. Make Your Shower Time Quicker

We can all agree that taking a long and relaxing shower is one of life’s pleasures. But if you want to lower your water bill, you’ve got to avoid spending longer in your shower. Even cutting it down to a few minutes can already make a huge difference!

Over time, if every member of your house promises to cut the shower duration, the savings could be really noticeable.

Perhaps, you can attach a timer to remind you to finish off?

Experts say that shower makes use of up to 9 litres of water each minute! So, just imagine how much you could end up saving if you minimise the time you spend in your shower each day!

  1. Use Appliances Properly

Dishwashers and washing machines are two of those things in your house that are the most water-consuming ones.

Thus, you have to be clever with utilising them. For best efficiency, for example, always run full loads. The “half load” option actually uses about the same amount of water as the full load, so try to avoid it wherever possible!

You have to replace your appliances if they are beginning to show wear and tear. Consider investing “environment-friendly” models.

  1. Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

Do you know that traditional water heater actually wastes a lot of water and energy? This device works by continuously heating a large amount of water, including those you don’t even use!

Therefore, it’s just wise to switch to a tankless water heater, which only heats water that you’re going to use.

Because of the way it works, it’s obviously more efficient and will not only help you lower your water bill, but that of electricity as well!

  1. Water your garden at the optimal times

Among those places in your house that consume the most water is the garden.

It is therefore advisable to water it early in morning or late evening when it is cooler. Less water dries out in the heat this way.

You might also like to utilize a timed sprinkler. It reminds you not to neglect turning it off and use more water than required. Besides saving water, it maintains the health of your garden!

  1. Collect rainwater for outdoor use

If you reside in a place where the colder season brings regular rain, seize the chance. Gathering the rainwater will help you with some housework.

You might water your plants, tidy your patio, or even wash your car with it.

Reusing rainwater helps you to preserve the priceless resources of the earth.

Here is now how to accomplish that. In your house, set buckets near the downspouts to gather rainfall.

  1. Think about insulating your pipes.

Hot water reaches your taps more slowly in absence of insulation from your hot water lines. You are therefore wasting water as you wait.

Insulating can reduce your water and energy costs as well as help to cut this waste.

Most of my pipes have been insulated where at least possible. I must say this little adjustment makes a significant impact!

  1. Keep an eye on your water meter to spot any leaks.

Without you even knowing it, a hidden leak can waste huge amounts of water.

So, turn off all taps and water-using appliances then check your water metre. Should it be still in motion, there may be a leak.

Doing this every few months is an excellent idea, particularly if your bill unexpectedly rises!

  1. Teach your family the importance of conserving water.

Last but not the least – it’s crucial to involve everyone living in the house!

Over time, small behaviours like shutting off the tap while brushing your teeth or running the dishwasher just when it’s full can help to save a lot of water.

Remember, saving water becomes second nature when the entire family works together!

My Final Thoughts

Saving water need not be difficult.

Following these tips can cut your water cost while also saving the planet.

See Plumb It Right or any reputable plumber with excellent reviews if you ever need plumbing improvements or have a stubborn leak. Search for one committed to exceptional service and free of call-out fees.

Together, let’s make your house as water efficient as it can be!
