
How to Protect Your Mattresses When You Move

While it is easy to wrap and pack smaller items into boxes, mattresses are different. A mattress is made from fabric, so it needs to be protected from dirt and dust. Even the packing provided by removalists is likely to be too dirty or leave a lot of unwelcome lint and dust on the mattress. So, what can you do to protect it? There are a few options.

Use old sheets

Your old fitted sheets are the ideal way to protect the mattress. You can put one over the top and another one over the bottom. If you don’t have old sheets, use new ones; they are easily washed after all. If you don’t trust them not to come off during handling, pin the edges together, or tie twine around the mattress like you would a gift box. You could even staple the edges together if the sheets are relatively old.  Sheets are also good protectors for fabric lounge chairs or the sofa. Even flat sheets can be used to wrap the mattress in, albeit not as easily as fitted ones.


Removals and Storage

Removals and Storage

According to professional moving companies, sometimes the date you have to move out of your home doesn’t coincide with the date you have planned to move into your new property? It’s a common enough problem. It will require new instructions from your removal company, that’s for sure.

The obvious solution is that all your household possessions will have to go into storage for as long as it takes until your new residence is available. Some people have an innate fear about storing their precious household possessions. But they shouldn’t really worry. Let’s take the time to address some of the concerns that are more fiction than fact.

Fiction: Your goods are plonked in the middle of a warehouse

Fact: No, they aren’t (well they shouldn’t be)!

A reputable and professional company providing furniture rеmоvаlѕ wоuld not contemplate simply “dumping” уоur hоuѕеhоld goods іntо the mіddlе of a gеnеrаl рurроѕе wаrеhоuѕе.
