
11 Carpet Cleaning Secrets

Carpets are found in nearly every home and office as they reduce noise levels significantly. No matter how hard you try, eventually, the carpet will become a victim of spills, drips and accidental dirt.  However, by implementing some tips from Brilliance Carpet Cleaning Perth your carpet will look its best for longer in between that essential professional clean.

  • When liquid is spilled onto the carpet, blot it with a soft towel, cloth or paper. But be sure to spot from the outside towards the centre so the stain doesn’t spread.
  • Never rub the carpet; this can break the fibres and spread the dirt.
  • Club soda can be used as an effective stain remover. Place some on a cloth and start blotting as above.
  • Another good stain remover is equal parts of white vinegar and water. Put it into a spray bottle to make applying it easier. Spray, let it soak for up to 15 minutes, then blot. Repetition will bring success for stubborn stains.
  • Shaving cream applied directly to stains is also effective. Leave for 30 minutes, then clean off with your vinegar and water spray solution. Remember to blot, not wipe.
  • Have the kids left chewing gum on the carpet? Use ice cubes to freeze it solid, then lift and cut off trapped carpet fibres as close as possible to the gum.  Don’t try to pull it off, as that will tear the threads out from the base of the carpet.
  • If you get grease or fat on the carpet, use a water solution and dishwashing liquid. Spray it on and blot it several times over for the best result, and contact the professionals at Carpet Cleaning Perth.



Reasons to Choose Colorbond for Your Re-Roofing Renovation

The time usually comes when those tiles are old and leaky and do nothing to make your home look good or keep its value. It is time for re-roofing but what material should you choose? Staying with tiles will eventually give you the same problem that makes your home look rather old and awful right now; namely, mould.

This black growth over your roof is one of the major problems of tiles. It is hard to remove and often keeps coming back. This is because the roots penetrate into the tile and cannot be scrubbed away. After you have gone to the cost or time of having it all washed down and treated it will end up back on your roof as bad as ever.

Tiles are not good for another reason. Because they are so small they need to have a lot of infrastructure underneath to support them.  And because they are quite heavy it needs to be strong, so no cutting costs there. In addition, the very shape of tiles and the way they have to be aligned means that there are many niches in and around each one. In bushfire season, this allows red hot embers that are blown onto your roof to lodge there securely, thus your roof is most likely to catch on fire, so installing fire protection with the help of Fire Services Perth would be advised.

Happily there is a great alternative to tiles. Steel roofing does not have any of the above problems. It is light and the sheets are large, so less infrastructure is needed and it is quick to erect. No mould can grow on it because it does not absorb moisture; the spores cannot get a hold in it.



8 Tips for Utilising and Decorating Stairway Space

If you have a stairway in your home there are many ways in which you can utilise the space above or below it to add character and space to your home. That said, stairways are often rather dark areas, so they should have specific lighting either on the stairs or the wall to ensure you don’t overbalance and fall. A qualified electrician can do this work for you and give you advice on where the best place is to install the lighting.


So how can you use the space around a stairway?

    • Use the wall where the stairs go up to hang a family album of photos or several beautiful landscapes. Make sure the frames all have something in common such as toning colours, but they don’t all have to be the same shape or size. You can have round, square rectangular or oval shapes to break things up a bit.
    • For a really modern look, you could have all the frames the same colour and paint the landing and/or stair rail to match. Try bright green, red or yellow for some eye popping fun. Match the colour with some other nearby accessories such as a table lamp or rug.
    • If you are not into photo displays you can create visual interest and a most elegant look by displaying a wall of mirrors with gold and silver frames. These can be found at op-shops or flea markets and you can spray on the gold paint yourself. An electrician can install pendant lighting to match.
    • Replace the plain banisters with a filigree of wrought iron lacework to lighten up the area and make it really eye-catching and decorative.



How Veranda Furniture Should Differ from Outdoor Furniture

Many people these days design their home to include a beautiful and relaxing outdoor area complete with comfortable outdoor furniture so they can entertain or have family meals outdoors if they want to. If you home doesn’t have one of these areas, it is easy to renovate the home to include a deck or verandah, or add a gazebo or outdoor dining area to the backyard.

The kind of furniture you purchase for this area will differ, depending on where it is and what your dining or relaxation area consists of. Basically, whether it is weatherproof or not. A veranda or deck that includes a roof and is enclosed on at least three sides can be considered mostly weatherproof.


However, a gazebo with a roof but no walls is not weather proof because the wind will blow rain straight in. Even if there are one or two walls and a roof it is still not exactly weatherproof from any but the lightest shower and that only when there is no wind.



Security Fencing for a Fencing for a Hobby Farm

With an increasing number of people moving into country areas on small acreage, there comes a need for training about caring for the animals they have on their hobby farm.  Even though it’s a hobby, such a farm really needs security – whether it be an alarm system to alert you if an unwelcomed guest enters the premises or some type of security fencing to keep the stock safe from wandering onto the road.

This doesn’t have to be the same kind that you would find in the city. The kind of fence for a hobby farm would depend on what kind of animals were kept. 4-5 strands of barbed wire will keep cattle in, but horses would be likely to injure themselves on it because of their flighty nature. They tend to kick out when frightened and if they do it near the barbed wire it could result in nasty cuts.



How to Floor It – the Patio That Is

Not all patios have floors, but you might want to floor yours so it can be used more like a room. Without a floor the base of the structure will eventually get wet, no matter how dry your climate is. This means that the furniture or anything else sitting under the patio will also get wet from the ground up.

Chair and table legs made of timber will end up rotting, while cupboards will the ruined, especially if they are clad with MDF, which absorbs moisture and expands, then falls to pieces. So what kind of floor will you have for your patio? Much depends on how you want to use it. If it is just to park the car under, there is no real need for any floor.


But if you want to use it during rainy weather or put furniture in it, then a floor of some kind is advisable. Here are 7 suggestions for a patio floor.



How to Protect Your Mattresses When You Move

While it is easy to wrap and pack smaller items into boxes, mattresses are different. A mattress is made from fabric, so it needs to be protected from dirt and dust. Even the packing provided by removalists is likely to be too dirty or leave a lot of unwelcome lint and dust on the mattress. So, what can you do to protect it? There are a few options.

Use old sheets

Your old fitted sheets are the ideal way to protect the mattress. You can put one over the top and another one over the bottom. If you don’t have old sheets, use new ones; they are easily washed after all. If you don’t trust them not to come off during handling, pin the edges together, or tie twine around the mattress like you would a gift box. You could even staple the edges together if the sheets are relatively old.  Sheets are also good protectors for fabric lounge chairs or the sofa. Even flat sheets can be used to wrap the mattress in, albeit not as easily as fitted ones.



What Kind of Pool do You Need?

Pool builders will tell you there are many different kinds of pools and different types of building materials for them. If you are considering adding a pool to your backyard it’s important to ensure it is suitable for your children and this will depend on their age. If your kids are still toddlers, they won’t get much use from a pool that is six feet deep.

You may think that installing a deep pool now will at least enable you to have a nice swim, but how many times can you get outside without those little ones toddling along after you? Mum in the deep pool while toddlers sit and watch is an unrealistic expectation. It is far better to have a small above ground wading pool for the little ones and you can sit in it with them while they have fun. It will be enough to cool you off on a hot day.


Pool Maintenance

8 Easy Pool Maintenance Tips

When you have a pool, cleaning it is essential and for major clean-ups automatic pool cleaners of some kind are ideal. There are several types of cleaner that make the work less of a drudge, the best of all being the robotic cleaner that picks up all kinds of debris both large and small. But in between these major cleans, you still need to do maintenance so the water is less likely to get algae and bacteria in it. Here are 8 easy tips to help.

  • Use a pool skimmer to remove surface debris every day. Most such rubbish floats for a few hours before sinking, so it is easier to remove it at this time and it will not then have time to start decomposing to any great extent, making your pool water pH out of balance. You should also empty the skimmer baskets every day.
  • It is not only the leaves and twigs blowing into the pool that causes a problem with water purity; sunscreen and body oils wash into the water also. These can’t be lifted out with a scoop, but if you throw 2-3 new tennis balls into the pool, the oil in both will get caught on the fur as they bob around. Take them out and run them under the hot tap every so often to remove the oil.
  • Having an automatic pool cleaner or brushing the pool once a week to prevent mould or algae build-up. Everything that is under the water needs to be brushed, including steps, rails, ladders, walls and base. Vinyl, fibreglass and tiles need a soft brush; concrete and plaster need a stiffer brush.


Removals and Storage

Removals and Storage

According to professional moving companies, sometimes the date you have to move out of your home doesn’t coincide with the date you have planned to move into your new property? It’s a common enough problem. It will require new instructions from your removal company, that’s for sure.

The obvious solution is that all your household possessions will have to go into storage for as long as it takes until your new residence is available. Some people have an innate fear about storing their precious household possessions. But they shouldn’t really worry. Let’s take the time to address some of the concerns that are more fiction than fact.

Fiction: Your goods are plonked in the middle of a warehouse

Fact: No, they aren’t (well they shouldn’t be)!

A reputable and professional company providing furniture rеmоvаlѕ wоuld not contemplate simply “dumping” уоur hоuѕеhоld goods іntо the mіddlе of a gеnеrаl рurроѕе wаrеhоuѕе.
