Pool Design

Best Pool Design When You Have Children and Pets

Every year for the last decade or more, an average of 30 Australian children have drowned. What’s more, swimming pools make up the most substantial proportion of drowning-related incidents. With these sobering statistics in mind, it’s essential to always factor your children’s and pets’ safety into your pool design. Their danger sensors are not as refined as yours.

Pools can be fun to enjoy family time, but they can also be deadly. Take note of these design ideas, and consult your local landscaping expert for more.

Invest in Fencing

Looking at your pool design options, you might think fencing will ruin your property’s appeal. Not all swimming pool fencing is the most attractive, but it’s a life-saving and legal requirement. What’s more, frameless pool fencing minimises the interruption of your landscape.

Before installing full fencing around your pool, determine your legal requirements. Any pool design expert should know them, but it doesn’t hurt to be aware of them yourself. Most states require up to 1200mm tall pool barriers, with a 1500mm self-closing and self-latching gate.

Try Splash Decks

If you want your children and pets to enjoy the water with you, ensure they feel comfortable by providing a shallow area to splash in. A splash deck could fit this bill. A splash deck is an external pool part that lets you sit at the edge and dangle your feet. It’s also an excellent starting point for children and pets with full supervision.


Terrain against You

What to Do When Your Terrain is Against You

Those who find themselves with sloped and hilly sections will probably be in no hurry to undertake landscaping. Instead, they’ll be glaring at their neighbours with envy, wondering why their yard looks so dramatically different.

Dealing with elevated sections, slopes, and hills are no easy tasks. It can take even the most experienced landscape design expert a lot of pencil-chewing to work out the best approach for managing them. If you’re in the same boat, then read on. Here are a few of the many things you can do when your property’s elevation or terrain is against you.

Build a Retaining Wall

A retaining wall can solve many problems. It can strengthen your slope, add aesthetic appeal, and also allow you to plant in the various nooks and crannies surrounding it. A retaining wall can also help reduce the risk of mudslides and land erosion in heavy rainfall.

Try Terraces

If one, solid wall is not going to work for your terrain, then why not give terraces a try? If you have several short walls at various levels, you can create a tiered back yard that adds plenty of appeal and value to your property. One level could be for entertaining, while the others could contain an eclectic mix of plants and hardscapes for ultimate appeal.


Garden Lighting

Garden Lighting: Turn Your Garden Into A Nighttime Wonderland

According to professional landscape designers, outdoor garden lighting is one of the most under utilised landscape design features out there. A lot of people put thousands of dollars and hours of their time into creating the perfect garden, but they forget that it’s dark half of the time.

If you truly want to develop an outdoor space that you can take advantage of in any weather and at any time of the day or night, you need to include lights in your landscape design. Clever use of lighting can help transform your garden from a bleak, dull area to a nighttime wonderland. Who would say no to this?

What Are The Benefits Of Outdoor Lighting?

Installing outdoor lighting in your garden and around your entertaining areas comes with a wide range of benefits. These include:

  • Clever use of lighting will allow you to make use of your yard at any time of the day or night. This is especially useful for people who live in warm climates where the nights are often the most comfortable part of the day.
  • Outdoor lighting can help create a warm, comfortable atmosphere – this is perfect for entertaining guests!
  • Cleverly positioned lights can make your home safer and more secure, deterring potential burglars.
  • Additionally, outdoor lighting can even help improve the value of your home.

As you can see, you would be stupid not to at least think about including at least some sort of lighting in your outdoor spaces!


Commercial Cleaner

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Commercial Cleaner

If you are looking for office cleaning services for your business, you might be finding it difficult to choose the right company. There are plenty of options out there, and most companies seem as good as each other.

Although it may be tempting to simply choose the cheapest cleaners and use them, this isn’t always the right choice. There are a few different things you should consider first, otherwise you might run into problems down the track. Our top 5 questions you should always ask when choosing a professional service include:

  1. How Experienced Are They?

When it comes to something like cleaning, industry experience isn’t necessarily essential. However, it certainly helps. If you want to be comfortable with the cleaner that you choose, make sure that you ask them how much industry experience that they have. Try and find someone who has done a lot of cleaning in your industry, and who knows exactly what they are doing.

 2. What Sort Of Equipment Do They Have?

There is absolutely no point choosing a cleaner who charges a low hourly rate if they are going to take twice as long to do the job as one who charges a higher rate. In the end, you need to make sure that the commercial cleaner that you choose has the right tools and equipment to do the job quickly and efficiently, such as pressure washers for high pressure cleaning.


Cabinet Maker

Fitted Kitchens by a Cabinet Maker

Bespoke kitchens, while costing a bit can certainly add significant value to any home, and they make it more efficient and pleasant to cook and clean. Kitchens are not a cheap renovation job and therefore any decision to improve your current setting and style must not be taken lightly. All you need is a designer or at least a cabinet maker.


Your standard appliances are really what makes your kitchen. You will need a cooker, fridge, dishwasher and a microwave. All of these appliances can be custom-fitted into the kitchen as part of the design. 

Appliances occupying a made-for space will instantly make your kitchen look much more stylish and fashionable. This is something you need to think about when planning as you should buy the right types of appliances that will look good as well as fit in with your current décor.


All kitchens should have an extractor fan which is essential for removal of cooking odours, steam and smoke. These fans are installed over the top of your oven area to capture rising fumes. These are available in many different styles and look very fashionable.

They are fitted with filters which will require periodic cleaning of fat deposits and grime that accumulates after some times. Your cooking time will be a lot more comfy with this appliance properly fitted.


Landscape Designing

4 Reasons why Landscape Designing is Important

Art and creativity are what makes our world a nice place to live in. Life might still go on without it, but it would surely be dull and bland. This reality can be pretty much applied to everything — including your gardens.

Your garden is what brings freshness and beauty to your home. It is also what connects you with nature. Thus, it’s important to ensure that it’s well taken care of. That’s where an experienced landscape architect and their landscaping design skills kick in.

  1. Make your home more livable

We all want to live in a home that’s conducive to living. A home that’s cozy, comfortable, and relaxing is everyone’s dream, and landscape designing can help you achieve just that. Compare a yard that’s surrounded by tall weeds to a landscaped garden. Wouldn’t it be better to have the latter? That’s what landscape designing is all about. It lets you feel that you’re in your own home and have full control of it.

  1. Feel the outdoors

Houses might be built to protect us from the outdoors. But if that’s their only use, then there’s no doubt we’re going to feel constrained with them through time. Yes, its main purpose is to put us under a roof and keep us safe from the elements, but we’ve always got a choice to feel the gentle breeze and sunlight in our backyards. After all, isn’t it our home?

Make use of iCoat WA and get your outdoor concrete floor coated. You can also put a bench, or perhaps place a dining table in it. This gives you a place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. And it’s not just about the experience, but it also makes you healthier because you can breathe fresh air anytime you want.

  1. Connect with nature

We might be living in the modern age, where everything’s surrounded by buildings, computers, and who-knows-what. Living in a metropolitan jungle might be cool at first, but it slowly seeps away your energy. So why not get in touch with nature? You can do that by designing your landscape.


White Picket Fence

Dreams Come True with a White Picket Fence

For years now, generations in fact, people have imagined living in a beautiful home that has a garden surrounded by a white picket fencing. To some it’s the epitome of the trappings of success. If you already have your home, and the white picket fence is still in your mind’s eye, then you may want to work out how you will go about getting one done.

Proper Planning

Like anything that will cost you money, planning is the key. It prevents stress and usually prevents loss of money.

Your Boundaries

Survey of your boundary, that is exactly where it is, not going by existing fence and property lines, is important. Check your title and if necessary, if there is a slight doubt, then have the property surveyed. Another item on the ‘to do’ list is to chat with your neighbour about your plans for a fence. When it’s fence erection time, access will be needed to their property. Don’t assume that just because they are good neighbours that it will be okay.

Digging Holes and Permits

Digging holes? Check where the utility lines are – water, gas, power and communications. There is usually a sign, but if you are unsure, don’t risk it. The relevant companies are able to come out and mark exact locations for you. What are the local council rules about building a fence? Do you need a permit? Better to check and make sure that you have the right to go ahead. If you live on an estate, there might be some fencing rules regarding style and type. Check. Assumptions can cost money, so in all these aspects, do your planning and do the legwork so you can go ahead without worrying.


Shade Sails

How to Avoid Legal Issues with Your Shade Sail

While you may think that council permission will not be needed to erect a Shade Sail from One Shade Sails on your property, there are many rules and regulations to look at – and to make it more difficult they vary from state to state and sometimes from council to council within the same state. Most of those regarding shade sails are aimed at them not causing a public nuisance or causing an annoyance to your neighbours.

However, if you intend to install a shade sail it is imperative you discuss the matter with your council and adhere to their rules and regulations to avoid any legal issues. One of the main requirements is that the material of the shade cloth should be permeable material if you want to skip getting permission. Nearly all councils are agreed on this one point.

While an actual building permit is not normally required for the installation of a sail shade structure, there are often other regulations regarding size and height.


Hardwood Timber Floor

Here’s the Wood on Wood

Your Friend, the Floor

Do you ever talk to a floor? It’s not silly because a hardwood timber floor is a living thing. You can say: “Hello friend” when you see your foot every morning. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with wood floors? They’re the best. Folks have been using wooden planks as flooring for centuries, and from observation, no one seems to be changing their mind. Indeed, some things never go out of style.

Standards Used in the Flooring Industry

If you ask any professional timber suppliers, they will let you know that wооdеn flооrѕ соmе іn ѕtrірѕ, рlаnkѕ аnd tiles.

How much timber flooring do you need? Measure the area of the space.

Species: Wood vаrіеѕ grеаtlу іn how it looks and depends on the species оf trее frоm which it is cut. Thе mоѕt common vаrіаntѕ іnсludе оаk, maple, bamboo, jarrah, blackbutt, birch аnd сhеrrу. There are some more exotic woods available if you ask. Each hаѕ dіffеrеnt соlоrѕ аnd grаіn patterns.

Cоlоr: Wood nаturаllу varies іn соlоr frоm light уеllоw tо dаrk brоwn, but іt can bе ѕtаіnеd and dyed any соlоr.

Grаіn: Different varieties and cuts of wооd will hаvе different раttеrnѕ іn thеіr grains. Sоmе wіll have mаnу knоtѕ, оthеrѕ will have intricate veins and striation.

Cut: Thеrе аrе a vаrіеtу оf cuts аvаіlаblе fоr wооd flооrѕ. Thе nаmе rеfеrѕ tо how the рlаnе wаѕ сut frоm thе timber lоg. Certain сutѕ waste mоrе wood frоm thе lоg and аrе more expensive. Because of hоw thе grаіn appears іn thе рlаnk, еасh cut rеѕultѕ in bоаrdѕ оf dіffеrеnt strength аnd appearance.

The Fitting Room

Apart from looking at the new flooring trends, it’s a good idea to talk about the basics. If you do not know how wooden flooring is installed, you should learn. We are talking about ‘tongue and groove.’ It may sound like a rather risqué move on a dance floor, but it is, in fact, a very clever, ingenious way that floorboards are fitted together. The boards used to be butted together, but as the boards dried and aged, huge gaps would appear, creating mini canyons filling with dirt.

Laying the Boards

The installation involves nailing the planks to a subfloor which might be plywood or particleboard. The nail should be hammered into the tongue, which is then covered by the next board. Invisible nails are the aim. To reduce sound, a membrane can be added under the boards. The ends of the board’s butt against the wall and any irregularities in length are covered with a bit of trim.

Different styles are available, and these can be wood panels in parquet-type patterns. Engіnееrеd wооd flооrѕ are аlѕо ѕtаndаrd nоw, and these look the same. You can’t tell the difference from solid hardwood; they are usually more robust and durable. Specific wood imitations are made from linoleum or ceramic tile and closely match the look of the natural timber flooring but are a lot cheaper. It’s worth exploring all the options.

Finding the perfect wooden floor for your project might involve a lot of online searching, but eventually, you will need to visit the supplier and see what you are buying in person. Photos rarely do justice to timber flooring.

pool fence

Advantages of a Glass Pool or Balcony Fencing

If you have a pool, you’ll certainly need to have some kind of safe pool fencing around it. The simple thing to do is contact fencing contractors to do the job, but first, consider what kind of fence you’d like to have. There are several options, but toughened glass is not only sustainable, it has several advantages, some of which other kinds of fences lack.

  • You can see right through glass pool fences meaning it is easier to keep an eye on the children in or out of the pool.
  • Because of its transparency, a glass fence does not appear to cut your yard in half, thus making it look smaller that it really is.
  • You can still enjoy the look of your garden through the fence without any hindrance.
  • Glass can be used for other fences in the area, for instance a protective wall along the edge of a patio, along an outdoor stairway or across a balcony, so all the fences will match offering a cohesive look and feel to your property.
  • Glass is sustainable. It is made from sand of which there is plenty and it can be recycled completely, with no breakdown in strength of the recycled products.
  • A glass fence needs no maintenance, which will save you a lot of costs over the years.
  • Glass is not prone to white ants, rot from getting wet, rust, warping or many of the other disadvantages of other materials such as timber and even steel.


Green Lawn

Speak to the Lawn

Let’s say your lawn could talk to you. What would it be saying? Most lawns put up with a certain lack of care and attention over the years, so it might start a real whinge about being abused, underappreciated and a bit hungry. Lawns add value to your property so you might be wasting a big asset.

Virtual Reality Lawn

Technology has leapt ahead to the point where you could put on one of those Virtual Reality head pieces and transport yourself to a yard with a beautiful, healthy green lawn. But it is ‘virtual reality’, so you can’t simply flick a switch to change your poor existing lawn. A well cared for and healthy lawn for instance, looks rather stunning. It’s great to look at, fun to play on, and there’s no doubting its ability to dramatically increase your property’s curb appeal. As an added bonus, a lawn is healthy for the environment.


Achieving that beautiful lawn is not something that requires you to have a Master’s degree in agronomy. You just need to adjust the way you are doing some of the things and make sure that you continue with the changes in the future.


Moving Your Refrigerator

Removalist Tips for Moving Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators are some of the more sensitive appliances that you should exercise care when moving from one place to another. Here are some removalist tips from Emmanuel Transport for preparing your refrigerator for a move:

  • Begin by removing all the contents from your refrigerator. Everything from food to ice in the freezer should be removed to avoid having any object stirring and causing damage inside the fridge during the move. It is advisable to consume all perishable items ahead of time to avoid any wastage.
  • All shelves, drawers, and trays should also be removed to make the refrigerator not only lighter and easier for moving. This will also prevent your trays, shelves, and drawers from unnecessary cracking during the move. These parts should be wrapped in bubble wrap or towels and stored in a box during transport. Otherwise, you can apply non-sticky tape on the shelves if you don’t want to remove them for the move.


Small Garden

7 Landscaping Trends for the Small Garden

As house blocks become smaller, so do gardens and outdoor spaces, so to make the most of the alfresco area, it’s a good idea to have professional landscaping done. Professionals have had a great deal of experience and training and know the best way to ensure every tiny corner is put to use so your garden not only adds value to your home but enhances your lifestyle at the same time.

Here are seven of the latest trends for small gardens.

  • Most people enjoy some kind of greenery in their life, so small gardens are really taking off. Even if your courtyard is only big enough for a shrub and a chaise or two, you can have it designed to make it look larger. Potted plants and raised gardens don’t take up much room and will enhance your courtyard, and the time spent there will be more pleasurable.
  • Edible landscapes are becoming trendier. Add some herbs for cooking, one or two tomato plants, peppers or snow peas in your flowers for a great garden that tastes great and looks good. Remember to only plant your favourite food, though.
  • Not everyone wants to mow and water lawns on their days off, so increasingly, small areas are being paved. Whether you choose fake turf, decking, limestone, tiles or bricks, or perhaps gravel with pavers is up to you. Replacing the lawn is also eco-friendly as you will save on water and fertilisers.
  • Creating a garden that reflects elements of your latest overseas holidays is also trendy. Think what you liked best on your holiday and work it into your landscape: a fish pond, bridge over running water, white gravel and pavers or a row of brightly coloured garden pots.
  • Going vertical with your gardening, with a particular grow wall that faces the sun, will enable you to have even more plants and can hide ugly brickwork. Remember to choose vines that are not rampant growers, so you don’t have to keep cutting them back. You could even espalier a fruit tree. Many modular systems have all you need for watering and fertilising, making maintenance a breeze.


Recycled Timber

7 Hot Trends for Interior Fitouts

You don’t have to be an interior designer such as Sorgiovanni Interiors to make some trendy changes to your restaurant or cafe the next time it needs a fit-out.  Simply knowing what is trendy and incorporating it into your present decor is often enough to give your hospitality space an edge.  These days, so many people are interested in going green, being sustainable and saving the environment that they will even choose a cafe where they can see such themes in action.

So here are 7 hot trends some of which also incorporate sustainability, making your cafe of interest to many such patrons.

  • An open plan kitchen. This won’t suit every cafe model, but when it does the result is magical. People love to be able to see how chefs work, especially when they are creating meals with natural ingredients, all part of sustainability.
  • Using recycled materials somewhere in the building ensures that those who are into recycling will feel satisfied to know you are trying to conserve the earth’s resources. This can be as simple as finding used bricks to use as part-walls or for the front of your reception counter, or finding some distressed timber to add in for a counter or for ceiling beams or other decorative elements.


Home Renovation

How The Right Financial Planning Can Pay for House Repairs

Whether you’ve paid off your home or not, financial advisors such as andep will tell you there are sure to be many other expenses such as house repairs. Some of these can be quite unexpected; for instance, a car might run into your home and wreck the foundations or stability of it, or a sudden storm might mean a tree falls across your roof. How do you pay for these major repairs and still afford to pay the mortgage off? Financial planning right from the start is the best way.

Even if you have never sought advice from a financial planner, it’s not too late to start now. Most financial experts will advise you on the ways to minimise your risk and get more from your dollars. One way to minimise risk of loss is through insurance. Even though it might seem like money down the drain, having insurance for your home is essential. Then any kind of damage can be paid for.
